Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place where people with habits, addictions, hurts and hang-ups gather to experience and to celebrate God’s healing power. This experience opens the door to change as we share our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our life problems.
Celebrate Recovery isn't just for alcohol & drug addictions. CR is for all kinds of problems which are unhealed, unmet or unresolved. These may include but are not limited to: Abuse, Need to Control, Codependency, Sexual Addictions, Divorce, Fear, Anxiety, Grief, Overeating & other Eating Disorders, Insecurity, Anger/Rage, Depression, Gambling, Guilt, Lying, Overspending, Perfectionism, Chemical Dependency, and more.
What to Expect at Celebrate Recovery:
Confidentiality & Anonymity
Acceptance & Encouragement
Free Meal & Fellowship
Contemporary Praise & Worship
Teaching & Personal Testimony
Small Groups by Gender
We grow spiritually by working through the steps and applying the Biblical principles. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly a stronger personal relationship with God and with others.
Celebrate Recovery can:
Provide you a safe place to share your experiences, strengths and hopes with others who are going through the “Principles” in a Christ-Centered Recovery.
Provide you a leader who has gone through a similar hurt, hang-up or habit that will facilitate the group as it focuses on a particular Step or Principle each week.
Provide you with the opportunity to find an accountability partner or sponsor.
Encourage you to attend other recovery meetings held throughout the week.
Celebrate Recovery will not:
Attempt to offer any professional clinical advice. Our leaders are not counselors.
Allow its members to attempt to fix one another
(Please be advised if anyone threatens to hurt themselves or others, the leader has a responsibility to report it.)
Meeting Time & Schedule:
6:00-6:30pm – Free Dinner downstairs in the fellowship hall.
Children (age 5-11) go to the Kidz’ Rock building for Celebration Place. (Their meal will be eaten in the Kidz’ Rock building.
6:30-6:45pm – Praise & Worship for Adults & Teens upstairs.
6:45-7:30pm – Big Group sessions for Adults and Teens
After worship Teens and Adults separate for their Big Group sessions.
Teens (age 12-17) go to The Landing house directly behind the church while adults stay.
7:30-8:30pm – Male/Female Small Groups for both Adults and The Landing teens (separately).
Celebrate Recovery Directors: David and Joyce Wilson

Celebration Place is the children’s curriculum for Celebrate Recovery ministries for children ages 5-13 years of age. This Christ-centered curriculum mirrors the lessons taught in Large Group for adults. We refer to it as our “Pre-Covery” program. We strive to partner with parents to help break the cycle of dysfunction destroying so many of our families.
A night in Celebration Place is broken down into six parts:
Free Play
The primary purpose of Free Play is to offer children an opportunity to build friendships. Free play at the beginning of each night allows children to transition from the business of the day into Celebration Place. -
Worship is important because it helps children connect with God. Children learn we show our love to God through praise and worship. -
Teaching Time
During teaching time leaders presents recovery principles and Biblical truths in ways children can understand. As leaders in Celebration Place, we get to partner with parents in teaching children the principles of recovery. -
Small Group
Using the journal page, we help children identify their feelings and the reason why they feel the way they do. As children learn to identify and talk about their feelings they become better able to connect with others, reducing feelings of isolation. Small groups give children a chance to share their prayer requests and to pray for each other. -
In our centers, children learn how to apply the principles taught during the main lesson. A Center might be a game, activity, or craft to help children experience a main point of the lesson. This keeps the night fun and the children engaged. -
In the closing leaders reiterate the main points of the lesson and familiarizes children with the Serenity Prayer by reciting a version of it.
Through Celebration Place, children experience the love of Jesus as they learn how to love themselves and others while they grow in their own relationship with God. They also learn healthy coping skills for life’s tough issues.
Celebration Place Leader:
Maranda Edgar
The Landing is Celebrate Recovery’s student ministry geared towards Junior High and High School age students. This curriculum is designed to mirror the same material as the adult Celebrate Recovery curriculum, only packaged for students.
The Landing exists to provide a safe place for our students to process life and the struggles that accompany it, provide tools to help them live emotionally and spiritually healthy lives, and point them towards the freedom found in Jesus Christ.
A typical night in the Landing will consist of:
Connect Time
This time serves to create connection between our students and leaders and build friendships. This normally involves some sort of game or activity. -
A time a worship gives our students an opportunity to connect with and rest in God. -
Teaching Time
Our Landing leaders will present biblical truths and recovery principles to our students in a way that they can engage with, participate in, and apply to their lives. -
Small Group
The Landing uses the same five Small Group Guidelines that adult Celebrate Recovery uses in Open Share small groups and walks through a series of questions that pertain to that night’s teaching time. Small Group gives our students a time to process and personalize the recovery principles that they are learning. -
Fellowship Time
This time serves as a place for students and leaders to connect, build relationships, and continue processing the lesson after the service.
Through the Landing, our students can find a safe place to find help, hope, and healing through engaging the recovery principles and growing in relationship with Jesus Christ. Ultimately, this ministry can help students learn how to break cycles of dysfunction and provide tools for them to live free and healthy lives.
the Landing Leaders:
Heather English