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Echolink *TALARC* Conference Moves to the Cloud

With the help and resources of KO4JJU Steven Patrick, the TALARC Echolink Conference has transitioned from an onsite server to the Cloud. So, what is "the Cloud" and what does this mean for the Club?

"The Cloud" makes reference to the internet as a whole and specifically data and file storage. A vast majority of businesses and organizations have already made the move with placing mission-critical data and office documents into this storage model. While it may not be a fit for every situation, it definitely has advantages.

For TALARC, having the Echolink server at a physical location has resulted in access being subject to power and internet service outages which can disrupt communications for extended periods of time. With the service offsite and hosted over the internet, downtime is almost zero allowing for unabated use of the Echolink Conference.

And, now with digital links and repeaters able to hold connections to the TALARC Conference, consistent and persistent connectivity is possible.

For more information on this and other digital technologies, visit the ALL THINGS DIGITAL website discussion Group at

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