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Hurricane Helen & Milton

When monitoring HURRICANE MILTON on ECHOLINK, please use the follow NODES for LISTEN ONLY purposes and not to take up space on the WX_TALK net.


 Stations outside the affected area that do not have relays into the affected area who would like to listen into the VoIP Hurricane Net can use any of the following systems for listen-only purposes and can connect on either Echolink or IRLP:

*NEW-ENG3* Echolink conference node: 9123/IRLP 9123

*SKY_GATE* Echolink conference node: 868981/IRLP 9252

*KC4QLP-C* Echolink conference node: 290251

*ARERT* Echolink conference node: 902723 (Also bridged to Allstar on Node 273660 and on the YCS311 C4FM Server at ID:74)

*FLORIDA* Echolink conference node: 3082



From the Salvation Army Team Emergency Network (SATERN)


Here’s what’s on the schedule for amateur radio disaster responders:

In an alert issued by Dick Seeley (N8NIF), international net manager for Salvation Army Team Emergency Network (SATERN), its amateur radio operators across the country will participate in the Hurricane Watch Net. They will activate Tuesday to “line up reporting stations, EOCs, storm shelters using the amateur radio bands on 20 meters: 14.325 MHz (USB) at 5 p.m. EDT (2100 UTC), until we lose propagation at night,” said Seeley in the following report.

On 40 meters: 7.268 MHz (LSB) at 5 p.m. EDT (2100 UTC), we will remain active on this frequency throughout the day and overnight for as long as propagation allows. If propagation allows us to operate all night, we will suspend operations at 7:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday to allow the Waterway Net to conduct their daily Net.

Wednesday (landfall day) on 20 meters: We will resume operations on 14.325 MHz at 7 a.m. EDT (1100 UTC) and remain active until we lose propagation at night.

On 40 meters: We will resume operations on 7.268 MHz at 8:30 a.m. EDT (1230 UTC). We will remain active on this frequency throughout the day and overnight for as long as propagation allows. If propagation allows us to operate all night, we will suspend operations at 7:30 a.m. EDT Thursday to allow the Waterway Net to conduct their daily Net.





Article about Ham Radio support during Hurricane HELEN and MILTON




Regards and 73’s


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